Let’s talk about beards.
Shocking topic, coming from us, we know.
You’ve probably known or met someone who rocked some serious facial hair at some point or you’re the one rocking it.
In some cultures, beards are considered a sign of maturity or masculinity. In some cultures, beards are even considered sacred.
One of the most important aspects of beards, though, is that sporting a beard can serve as a way for people to express themselves and showcase their individuality. From a bit of stubble or a luscious, long beard to mutton chops or a goatee and handle bar mustache combo, there are endless ways to use facial hair to define who you are as an individual.
Individuality is crucial in making your mark on this world. In fact, individuality is just one of the reasons why we create the unique products we do! Because of that, we’re here to help our bearded community—whether you’re the bearded one or a loved one of a bearded face—express what makes them so unique as a person.
To spark some inspiration and get you started on growing the best beard for your unique personality, here are some basic styles that can be trimmed, shaved, braided sculpted or decorated with anything to make it one-of-a-kind.
STUBBLE (Short, Medium or Long)
Stubble is the start to any great facial hair. Like most things, a strong, healthy beard starts with a strong foundation—stubble. The other great thing about stubble is that you can keep it short, keeping maintenance and grooming time at a minimal, or you can grow it out a bit to put your personal flare on it until it blossoms into a fully unique beard. A great example of someone who rocks the stubble from time to time (and apparently a plantain chip and some cool shades) happens to have his own peculiarly perfect lip-balm with us—Link!
(Photo: Link Neal)
If you’re looking for the post-stubble, Stage Two beard, the short beard is for you. A short beard requires a bit more upkeep than stubble alone, but you can have a little more fun with shaping it to your face. While anyone can rock this style, it welcomes those who are new to the beard community or anyone who’s looking for a low-maintenance, clean and slightly customizable look. For example, check out the ever-so-talented and short-beard master Donald Glover.
(Photo: donldglover)
The Full Beard—not to be confused with the Long Beard (next style up on this list)—is the next step up from the short beard. A Full Beard is typically a medium length, but the main characteristic of this specific style is that it’s connected from the bottom of your nose all the way down to your neck. A full beard will require some of the most maintenance so be sure to have some pomade and beard oil at the ready to style your facial hair to your liking. A perfect example of a Full Bearded individual is a man behind his own mythical beard oil—Rhett!
(Photo: Rhett McLaughlin)
Finally: the Long Beard. While you may be thinking of popular long-beards like Dumbledore or the Duck Dynasty crew, long beards don’t necessarily have to be grown down to your hips, even though they can be if that’s the style you’re going for! Long Beards definitely have the most upkeep and, of course, take the longest to grow out. If you want to define yourself with a hand-crafted and healthily grown long beard, patience is key. You might also want to think about some pomade and beard oil to keep your unique look strong.
(Photo: BeardedVillains)
While there are so many other styles of beards, we just wanted to get you started on some of the basics. The other cool thing about beards, is that if you’re ready to change things up, you can always start with the clean slate of a clean shave. After all, it’s only hair!
In addition to figuring out how to style your facial hair, you can also think about how to style the hair on top of your head to complete a fuller unique look…but that’s a blog post for another time.
We’re so excited to see all the unique beards our beard oils help nourish and the incredible people behind them. Head to our store to order a bottle of beard oil that smells amazing and will keep your beard healthy.
Want to share your beard-related story? Comment below or message us on Instagram with a unique beard story you or someone you know has experienced!
Experience the Chemistry.
Experience the Beard.
Need more Beard-Spiration? Check these out!